Our interests

On the longer term, we plan to develop compact wearable devices to monitoring multiple biomarkers and behaviors in the context of neurological disorders.

Voice analysis
Recent studies have shown that voice contains highly relevant information to detect neurological or respiratory diseases. At Robust Circuit, we are very interested in vocalizations analysis in the context of neurological disorders.

Online behavioral assays
We work with researchers and clinicians to design secure open-source behavioural experiments. We combine different programming languages (HTML5, Javascript, Python) to offer open-source solutions meeting the standards of modern science.
Extended team
Our institutional network

Champalimaud Foundation

Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
(The Netherlands)

Our main collaborators

Roshan Cools, PhD
Donders Institute
((The Netherlands))
Simon Lewis, PhD
University of Sidney
(Sidney, Australia)

Anat Mirelman, PhD
Sackler School of Medicine
(Tel-Aviv, Israel)

Stephane Lehericy, MD/PhD
Paris Brain Institute

Alan Dagher, MD/PhD
McGill University
(Montreal, Canada)

Rick Helmich, MD/PhD
Donders Institute
(Nijmegen, The Netherlands)