
An innovation prize awarded to RobustCircuit


RobustCircuit won the 3rd prize of the acceleration and open innovation competition Building Tomorrow Together organized by the pharmaceutical company Roche. Out of the 52 participant projects, 10 finalist teams were selected to attend a bootcamp for developing their ideas into a product, with a clearly defined business case. The last stage of the competition was a pitch to a judging panel comprising of neurologists, engineers, Roche representatives and journalists. RobustCircuit presented their first prototype, the Neuro-Headset, which obtained the 3rd prize of 10,000€ to continue to develop their work.

With the tracking and analysis of a combination of novel metrics, wearable technology can help identify biomarkers and significantly improve health outcomes by contributing to better diagnosis and personalized treatments.

Our concept consisted in a small head-set capable of measuring head-motion and to record voice using both conventional and conduction microphone. We also explore the possibility of measuring heartbeat in this area of the head. However, the main purpose of this device was to measure with high accuracy swallowing and coughing sounds involved in chocking and aspiration pneumonia, as well as voice which is known to be an early biomarker of PD and other neurodegenerative diseases.
See our winning presentation below.