Online behavioral assays
Cognitive testing
We can develop the cognitive task(s) of your choice for the browser (laptop/desktop) and/or mobile devices (Android/iOS). If the details of your tasks are not yet specified (e.g. in a publication) or if you have doubts about the best way to translate it for the web, we can provide guidance and advices on how to best engage your participants and maximize data quality. We can even pilot your task and provide you with reference distributions for your variables of interest.There is limit not to what can be done. We are particularly eager to integrate classical cognitive tests with modern web technology, such as webcam-based eye-trackers, gesture recognition, body-part tracking, or any exciting new tool! For those studying social behavior, real-time interactions between multiple participants through websockets is also an option.
Last but not least, our programming approach also allows you to use our tasks in the lab and interface them with hardware such as an fMRI scanner or an EEG headset!
Pricing obviously depends on various factors, but the main things to consider are:Complexity of the code: not all experiments take the same effort to program and validate! Integration of the task(s): you can chose to host the task(s) on your own servers/cloud or use ours. Openness of your research: we offer discounts if you commit to make the data available once your study is published. Origin of your funds: we also offer discounts for academic teams funded by public initiatives.